Flash Fiction: Writing More with Less- SOLD OUT

Event Date:

Event Time:
6:30 pm

Club Programs

At The Princeton Club

Flash fiction, stories of around 1,000 words or fewer, are everywhere these days: in magazines, in the classroom, and on cell phones. But what can you write in such a small space? David Galef (Princeton ’81), creative writing teacher and the author of Brevity: A Flash Fiction Handbook, has suggestions on how to do more with less. Galef’s presentation will feature a talk and reading, with a mini-workshop to get people writing narratives. Enjoy how-to advice with a sense of humor (“the only kind I give,” says Galef), along with some great stories.

David Galef is the author of over a dozen books, including three novels and three short story collections, and is the creative writing program director at Montclair State University. His essays and stories have appeared in places ranging from The New York Times, The Village Voice, and Twentieth Century Literature to The Yale Review and Shenandoah, among many other publications. Galef received a B.A. in English from Princeton, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in English from Columbia, with a specialty in British Modernism.

6:30-7:00pm reception; 7:00pm talk and workshop, gratis for members, $15.00 for guests. Advance reservations required by Friday, June 23rd, at which point they become final sale.

Please note that this event is sold out. If you wish to be added to the wait list, please call Kirsten at 212-692-1381.