Webinar - The Politics of Disasters with Timothy Kneeland

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7:00 pm

Club Programs

The nation was ill-prepared for a disaster, social unrest, which had been simmering for years, broke out across the US, congressional and presidential elections loomed in the fall with Democrats hoping to win the White House back from the Republican incumbent.  Although this may sound like 2020, all this occurred in 1972. Join us for a presentation on Playing Politics with Natural Disaster: Hurricane Agnes, the 1972 Election, and the Origins of FEMA, which explores the events of 1972 to better understand the politics and policies of the present.
Dr. Timothy W. Kneeland is Professor and Director of the Center for Public History at Nazareth College in Rochester, New York. He is the author of Pushbutton Psychiatry: A Cultural History of Electroshock in AmericaDemocrats and Republicans on Social Issues, and Playing Politics with Natural Disaster: Hurricane Agnes, the 1972 Election, and the Origins of FEMA. He has authored numerous chapter length studies and encyclopedia articles on American politics, natural disasters, and the history of science. In addition to teaching and writing, Dr. Kneeland provides political analysis for local media in Upstate New York. 

7:00pm EDT webinar, gratis. Advance registration required. Registrants will receive the link to view the lecture in the confirmation email.